

Rosemary Blackadder Minsky (Dardy Orlando) This publicity photo was sent to us for use in our book “Eagle Rock” (ERVHS)

0582.50 RTP X ’23 dtl

This detail from a panoramic view shot in February 1923 shows the Eagle Rock sign in the upper left. This item quoted from the Eagle Rock Sentinel in 1922 tells all we know about the sign. “About the last of October, the name of Eagle Rock can be seen as a pillar of fire by night near the summit-of Eagle Mountain, officially named by the Booster Club.” said an article of The Sentinel under date of September 28, 1922. “The short range of heights directly north of the city is a ridge of the Verdugo Hills. It’s now officially Eagle Mountain. The contract to construct Eagle Rock’s new advertising sign has been let by the Chamber of Commerce to the electric sign factory of Los Angeles. Funds to the amount of $800 was raised by public subscription to defray expenses of this illumination.” It was no longer there in the panorama shot in 1924. (unknown-ERVHS)


This obituary appeared in the New Yoor Times on November 17, 1937. J.J. Broomall was probably the only Eagle Rock resident so recognized in the early days. (New York Times-proquest)

1934-10-01 BROOMALL ADV

This item from the Eagle Rock Advertiser in 1934 highlights Broomall’s continuing productivity and fame.(ERVHS)

1925 ER 3015 DAHLIA CITY B’25

This advertisement in a Chamber of Commerce Brochure published in 1925 identifies Eagle Rock closely with its most famous product. (ERCOC brochure-ERVHS)

1917 1094 BROOMALL BRCe

We are looking north through Broomall’s fields with Broomall center in this view published in his 1917 catalog. (Broomall catalog-ERVHS)